Livingston County D-Star Repeaters |
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Livingston County D-Star Repeaters Amateur radio D-Star repeaters K8LCD/C/B (Hell, MI) and W8LIV/C/B (Howell, MI). Also monitors two DVAPs and a DV-Mega, each connected to individual Raspberry Pis, running on automatic schedules to serve REF, DCS and XRF reflector traffic. |
Amateur Radio
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Serving D-Star traffic from Amateur D-Star repeaters K8LCD/C/B (Hell, MI) and W8LIV/C/B (Howell, MI) located in Livingston, County, MI. The monitoring system also includes two Digital Voice Access Points (DVAPs), and a DV-Mega. These DVAP/DVMega boards are each connected to a Raspberry Pi single board microcomputer. The Raspberry Pis are running the Maryland D-Star image, which allows setting each DVAP/DVMega with automatic schedules, so that worldwide nets and other traffic can be served to the stream without operator intervention. Each DVAP/DVMega is operating on a separate simplex frequency, effectively operating as simplex repeaters, allowing local D-Star radios access to the reflectors via RF.