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Alameda County Sheriff, Alameda County Fire Dispatch 2, and Dublin Police

US > California > Alameda (County) [San Francisco]

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 Alameda County Sheriff, Alameda County Fire Dispatch 2, and Dublin Police

ALCO Fire Dispatch 2 (Dispatch for Livermore-Pleasanton Fire, also dispatches other Alameda County fire agencies) - LP Fire units: Companies 90-99; Bat 9; Chief 90 & 91. ASCO - Dublin PD Disp. Pleasanton PD and Livermore PD have gone encrypted and ar
Public Safety
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Feed Notes

Police and fire talkgroups for Pleasanton, CA PD (Encrypted as of Jan 2022 and no longer scannable), Livermore, CA PD (Encrypted as of March 2021 and no longer scannable) and Livermore-Pleasanton Fire.  ALCO dispatches LP Fire and also dispatches other ALCO Fire units on the same channels (eg Castro Valley, San Leandro) so you will hear non Pleasanton-Livermore fire traffic in addition to LP Fire dispatch and fireground traffic.  ACSO - Dublin PD Dispatch added Sept 2022.