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Mifflin County Law Enforcement

US > Pennsylvania > Mifflin (County)

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Mifflin County Law Enforcement

Dispatch and Police 2-7

Status: Feed permanently offline. Police have gone digital encrypted.
Public Safety
0   Offline


Feed Notes

155.5950 - Dispatch (Countywide Repeater)
155.7075 - Police 2 (Jacks Repeater)
155.8125 - Police 3 (Blue Repeater)
155.7225 - Police 4 (Allensville Repeater)
155.6925 - Police 5 (Countywide simplex)
155.5575 - Police 6 (Countywide simplex)
155.6325 - Police 7 (Countywide simplex)

If this feed is ever offline, check here for an alternate feed.

Mifflin County Law Enforcement

100 - Armagh Twp. PD
400 - Lewistown Borough PD
500 - Granville Twp. PD
600 - Mifflin County Regional PD (Derry Twp., Burnham Borough, Brown Twp., Union Twp.)
800 - Mifflin County Sheriff Dept.
5200 - Mifflin County Probation Dept.
5400 - Mifflin County Correctional Facility
8900 - PA State Constables