Solano County Sheriff, Rio Vista and Dixon Police Dispatch |
Listen | Feed | Genre | Listeners | Player Selection | Links | Status |
Solano County Sheriff, Rio Vista and Dixon Police Dispatch Sheriff also dispatches Dixon PD and Rio Vista PD on the Sheriff's Primary Channel - 1=Sheriff, 6=Dixon, 7=Rio Vista, 15=Animal Control, 18=Probation, 19=District Attorney, 22=CHP, 25=Park Rangers, 90=O.E.S.,Volunteers,Chaplins |
Public Safety
5 | Online |
Sheriff Primary Ch #1 - 155.490 MHz - Solano Co SO1 - FCC Callsign KMA760
Dixon Police Department |
Dixon Police Department |
Dixon Police Department: Facebook |
This feed is dedicated to the men and women of our law enforcement community in Solano County
On-line since July 24, 2015 15:27:10
Receiver: Uniden BC355N located in the California Delta
This webpage is not affiliated with any government agency