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Cleveland Fire and EMS

US > Ohio > Cuyahoga (County) [Cleveland]

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Cleveland Fire and EMS

City of Cleveland Fire and EMS channels. Can include other Cuyahoga County FD channels when CFD is not busy.
Public Safety
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Feed Notes

City of Cleveland Fire and EMS channels primary. Experimenting with including other suburban fire departments on Cleveland trunk system when not busy. Primary trunk groups on the feed include:
56096 - CFD Station Alert
56087 - CFD TAC 1 - Fireground for Assistant Chief 1
56088 - CFD TAC 2 - Fireground for Battalion 2
56089 - CFD TAC 3 - Fireground for Battalion 3
56090 - CFD TAC 4 - Fireground for Battalion 4
56091 - CFD TAC 5 - Fireground for Battalion 5
56092 - CFD TAC 6 - Fireground for Battalion 6
56093 - CFD HAZTAC - Hazmat Operations
56098 - CFD 14 ADMIN - Communications between EMS Captains, Battalion Chiefs and Dispatch
56099 - CFD 16 DISP - Cleveland Fire Dispatch
56102 - CEMS FR - Comms between CFD first responders and CEMS.
56106 - CEMS DISP 1 - Cleveland EMS Dispatch 1
56107 - CEMS DISP 2 - Cleveland EMS Dispatch 2
56111 - CEMS EVENT 1 - CEMS event channel.
56112 - CEMS EVENT 2 - CEMS event channel.
56068 - CLE ARFF OPS - Cleveland Hopkins Airport Fire Department Ops
56069 - CLE ARFF ALR - Cleveland Hopkins Airport Fire Department Station Alert

Cleveland Fire Department Responses and Common Radio Terminology

Wheels Rolling: Company is responding.
Backing In: Company has returned to quarters.
Still: Single engine response. Examples are car fire, dumpster fire, etc.
A First: Single company as a first responder on a medical emergency.
Emergency: Service call - open hydrant, down power line, 911 hang up, etc.
MVA: Motor vehicle accident. 1 engine, 1 ladder, and 1 technical rescue company respond. If entrapment, add a Battalion Chief to the response.
Box Alarm: 2 engine companies, 1 ladder company, 1 technical rescue, and 1 Battalion Chief. If working fire found, add 1 ladder company as rapid intervention team (RIT) and 1 engine company as a worker.
Signal 2-2-2 (Triple Two): Second alarm. Add 2 engine companies, 1 ladder company, 1 technical rescue, 1 Battalion Chief, and 1 Assistant Chief to the Box Alarm response. (Total: 4 engine companies, 2 ladder companies, 2 technical rescue companies, 1 RIT ladder company, 1 worker engine company, 2 Battalion Chiefs, 1 Assistant Chief)
Signal 3-3-3 (Triple Three): Third alarm. Additional units beyond 2-2-2 as requested by incident commander.
Car 713: Fire Investigation Unit.