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W5FC 146.8800 MHz Repeater

US > Texas > Dallas (County) [Dallas-Fort Worth]

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W5FC 146.8800 MHz Repeater

Dallas ARC, RACES/SKYWARN. NTS daily @18:30, CERT net Fri. @20:00, Tech Net (radio Q&A, swap meet) Sat. @19:00, SKYNET (astronomy & space), Sat. @21:00, sci-fi movie discussion (Sat. @22:30). Every Mon.: a different net @19:00. All times local.
Amateur Radio
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Feed Notes

Dallas Amateur Radio Club repeater with numerous scheduled nets including daily National Traffic System net and "night of nets" each Saturday night. Primary RACES and SKYWARN repeater for Dallas County, Texas.

The feed is currently received by an Icom IC-27A connected to a vertical dipole, and served by a Raspberry Pi. Signal quality should be good, but feedback and suggestions are always welcome. You will hear the 110.9 PL tone from the repeater in the feed audio--I'm working on eliminating that.