N4RGJ 147.01500 MHz Repeater |
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N4RGJ 147.01500 MHz Repeater N4RGJ/R Repeaters 147.015MHz and 146.895 MHz. They are linked together. Any traffic on one will go out on the other one. |
Amateur Radio
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Amateur Repeater located in Mobile Alabama. This repeater was just installed on a 400 foot tower and site elevation of 161.75 feet. Output power 200 watts to a VHF 8.2 db gain antenna at about 375 feet on the tower. I understand this repeater will be used for the sky-warn amateur repeater.
Repeater 146.985 MHz is located in South Mobile County and serves the Mississippi, Alabama and Florida panhandle. This repeater and 147.015 MHz are linked together.