California Highway Patrol Gold and Black - Sacramento |
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California Highway Patrol Gold and Black - Sacramento Covers the Black base and mobile channel (South Sacramento - 112 / Woodland-47 / Rancho Cordova - 58) and the Gold base and mobile channel (North Sacramento- 46 ) Status: CHP Sac is the first communications center to start using the digital and encrypted California Radio Interoperable System (CRIS). As of 7/31, the system appears to be partially active on the Gold, as we can no longer hear field units. When fully activated |
Public Safety
3 | Online |
This feed covers the California Highway Patrol Black 3 channel (Base and Mobile) which has the areas of South Sacramento (112), Woodland (47) and, Rancho Cordova (58) and the North Sacramento (46) (Base and Mobile) channel. This feed covers the FM main frequencies of 44.66, 42.28, 44.62 and, 42.2 only. This does not scan the handheld (extender) radio frequencies. In the interest of officer or public safety this feed may be brought down during major incidents.
The Scanner is an old Radio Shack PRO-2050 using a external antanna, it is located in South Sacramento near Highway 99 and Fruitridge.