Burke County Public Safety |
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Burke County Public Safety | Public Safety
43 | Online |
Monitoring the North Carolina VIPER network (P25), local city Police of Morganton, Burke County Sheriffs Office, Burke County EMS and the Burke County Fire department.
Equipment in use: 7dbi yaggi antenna 40ft AGL NesSDR Software defined Radio Raspberry Pi 3b +
High Peak Control Frequency is 859.7875.
Talk Groups Monitored:
6503 - BurkeCo EMS Dispatch
6504 - BurkeCo Fire Dispatch
6507 - BURKE EMS
6511 - Sheriff's Office - Dispatch
6532 - Morganton Police Dispatch
6533 - Morganton Fire Dispatch
6545 - Sheriff - Info
6546 - Burke Co REACT
6555 - Broughton Hospital Campus Police