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San Diego County Wildland Fire Operations VHF

US > California > San Diego (County) [San Diego]

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San Diego County Wildland Fire Operations VHF

San Diego County XSD channels. Mostly the Command, some tac channels. SDU channels 1 and 2. Air and ground tac channels.
Public Safety
1   Online


Feed Notes

Wildland Fire Operations, San Diego County VHF channels. These channels are used by the different municipalities within San Diego County on large wildland fires where the state and federal fire agencies are called in for assistance.

These are the channels programmed into the scanner.  

XSD CMD 1Countywide Fire Command 1 (Countywide) 

XSD CMD 2Countywide Fire Command 2 (HCFA) 

XSD CMD 3Countywide Fire Command 3 (Border Command) 

XSD CMD 4Countywide Fire Command 4 (SND Command) 

XSD CMD 5Countywide Fire Command 5 (North Comm Dispatch)

XSD CMD 6Countywide Fire Command 6 (North Zone West) 

XSD CMD 7Countywide Fire Command 7 (North Zone East)

XSD CMD 8Countywide Fire Command 8 (B/U North Zone CMD)

XSD CMD 9Countywide Fire Command 9 (Central Zone CMD) 

XSD CMD 10Countywide Fire Command 10 (Chula Vista Interop) 

XSD CMD 12Countywide Fire Command 12 (MCP Command)

XSD CMD 13Countywide Fire Command 13 (Escondido CMD) 

XSD CMD 14Countywide Fire Command 14 (SND Command) 

XSD TAC 2Countywide Fire Tactical 2 (North County Tac 2) 

XSD TAC 3Countywide Fire Tactical 3 (SD City Tac 1) 

XSD TAC 4Countywide Fire Tactical 4 (SD City Tac 2) 

XSD A/GCountywide Fire Air-Ground

XSD 8A/GConventional Air-Ground (8M1 Zone) 

XSD 8DIRCountywide Conventional Fireground (Ch 1O, 2O, 3O, 4O, 5O, 10O, 11O) 

SND 8DIRMetro Conventional Fireground (Ch 7O, 8O, 9O)

A/GConventional Air-Ground (CNV Zone)

SDU 1 Fire local 1 Calfire Dispatch

SDU 2 Fire local 2 Response/Command



Feed is using a Raspi for the computer and running a Uniden 796D, but no digital, all analog channels.   Radio is connected to a 2M 440 base antenna on the roof of my house.   
All of the Tac and Air to Ground channels are simplex, so only if the fire is near my house, will I get any of that traffic.   
The City of San Diego is running their wild land fires on their trunked radio system and has patches to XSD4 and XSD14.