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Lawrence County Public Safety

US > Ohio > Lawrence (County)

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Lawrence County Public Safety

Law, Fire, & EMS radio channels in Lawrence County, Ohio.
Public Safety
15   Online


Feed Notes

Lawrence County, OH public safety frequencies on both the county 911 radio system, and the Ohio MARCS-IP trunked radio system.

911 Channels Monitored
154.400 - Lawrence County SO analog (Migrated to MARCS)
154.205 - Lawrence County Fire & EMS Dispatch - County wide (plus all UHF analog links to/from 911 center)
150.995 - Ironton Fire Department
155.430 - Rome Twp Fire (Linked to Proctorville Fire)
155.805 - Lawrence County EMA

MARCS Talkgroups Monitored

28000 FD44DISP - Lawrence County Fire
28003 44FDTC1 - Fire Tac
28007 EMS44DSP - Lawrence Co EMS
28011 44FDTC2 - Fire Tac 2
20813 44EMSTC - Lawrence EMS Tac
28016 PD44DSP - Lawrence Co PD's Dispatch
28020 PD44TC1 - Lawrence PD's Tac
28025 44EOC - Lawrence EOC
54574 XSO-44 - Ohio Statewide Interop
54817 SO44DSP - Lawrence Co Sheriff Dispatch
59043 COEMA44 - Lawrence EMA Ops