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Cleveland County Public Safety

US > Oklahoma > Cleveland (County) [Oklahoma City]

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 Cleveland County Public Safety

Norman Fire (Priority) Moore Police and Fire Noble Police and Fire Cleveland Co SO OHP troop A Area Rural Fire Departments

Status: Feed is back up. There may be some downtime as I finish my upgrades. Thank you for your patience through this time.
Public Safety
17   Online


Feed Notes

Cole Fire
Dibble Fire
Earlsboro Fire
Goldsby Fire
Lexington Fire
Macomb Fire
Maud Fire
McLoud Fire
Noble Fire
Noble Fire B
Payne Fire
Purcell Fire
Rosedale Fire
Tecumseh Fire
Wadley's EMS
Washington Fire
Wayne Fire
Cleveland Co SO
Little Axe Fire
Moore Fire
Moore Police
Noble Police
Norman Fire
Norman Firegrnd1
Norman Firegrnd6
Norman Firegrnd7
OHP TroopA Metro
Cleveland Co SO
DPS Event 1 DPS Event 2
Moore EM Moore EM 2 Moore EM 3 Moore EMSSTAT Moore Fire Moore Fire 2 Moore Police Moore Police 2 Moore Police
Noble Fire Noble Fire B Noble Police Noble Police B

OHP AM-Comm OHP AM-Ops OHP AR-Comm OHP AR-Ops OHP B Creek Ops OHP B Turnpike 2 OHP B-Comm OHP B-Ops OHP Capitol-Ops OHP Captiol-Comm OHP C-Comm OHP Com Center OHP C-Ops OHP D Turnpike 1 OHP D Turnpike 2 OHP D-Comm OHP D-Ops OHP E-Comm OHP E-Ops OHP ERT OHP F-Comm OHP F-Ops OHP G Bailey Ops OHP G Bailey TP2 OHP G-Comm OHP G-Ops OHP Gov Security OHP H-Comm OHP H-Ops OHP I-Comm OHP I-Ops OHP J-Comm OHP J-Ops OHP K-Comm OHP K-Ops OHP L- Comm OHP Lake Patrol OHP L-Ops OHP M-Comm OHP M-Ops OHP Motor OKC OHP Motor Tulsa OHP Muskogee Sup OHP Muskogee TP2 OHP Supervisors OHP Tulsa Suprvs OHP Turner Com OHP Turner Ops OHPMskogeeTP Ops