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Dolores, Montezuma, and San Juan Counties Sheriff and Fire

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Dolores, Montezuma, and San Juan Counties Sheriff and Fire

(((Stereo Feed))) Left = SouthWest Colorado (CO State DTRS) *** Right = SouthEast Utah (UCA and VHF)
Public Safety
7   Online


Feed Notes

This feed covers SouthWest Colorado (Dolores County, Montezuma County, San Miguel County) and SouthEast Utah (San Juan County). This feed is prioritized for Dolores County, CSP, and San Juan County, as I provide another feed that focuses on Montezuma County (

This is a stereo feed using ScannerCast, with the Abajo Peak site of the Colorado State DTRS (800MHz APCO-25 Digital Statewide) in the left channel, and San Juan County (Utah) (scanning VHF, UCA MOT, and UCA P25) in the right channel. The Colorado State DTRS system is being run by 2 Pro-197 scanners and utilizing Pro96Com as a controller, encryption filter, and prioritizer. The right channel is using a third Pro-197 scanner.

Here's a (mostly) complete list of the local agencies that you'll be able to hear on this feed: (Also some help with identifying units and such)

DOLORES COUNTY, COLORADO: (Dispatch = Dove Creek during the day, units use Montezuma SO channel at night with Cortez dispatch)
Dolores County Sheriff (Dolores County 1, Dolores County 2, etc)
Dove Creek Fire (Unit #'s beginning with a 6, i.e. Brush 62 or Fire 600)
Dove Creek Ambulance (Dove Creek Medic 1 & 2)
Rico Fire & Rescue (Unit numbers beginning with 9)


MONTEZUMA COUNTY, COLORADO: (All Dispatched by Cortez)

Cortez City Police (Units beginning in "Lobo" (Cortez PD), "S" (Supervisors), "C" (Command), "D" (Detective))
Montezuma County Sheriff (Unit numbers beginning with "MC")
Mancos Marshal (Units Mancos1, Mancos2, etc)
Cortez Fire & Rescue (Unit numbers beginning with 1)
Mancos Fire & Rescue (Unit numbers beginning with 4)
Lewis-Arriola Fire & Rescue (Unit numbers beginning with 3)
Pleasant View Fire & Rescue (Unit numbers beginning with 5)
Dolores Fire & Rescue (Unit numbers beginning with 8)
Southwest Ambulance (Medic units)

Colorado State Patrol (mainly 5A, but also 5C & others) (5A Dispatch is usually Montrose, sometimes Alamosa)
Utah Highway Patrol, SE section (Dispatch = Price, numeric unit numbers)
Colorado Division of Wildlife (Dispatched on CSP)
Colorado Department of Transportation (Snowplows) (Alphanumeric unit numbers, like 3J3 or 3J20-01)
US Bureau of Land Management (Dispatched on CSP)
US Forest Service (Dispatched on CSP 5A)
Parks - Mesa Verde, Hovenweep, Arches, Canyonlands, Natural Bridges

SAN JUAN COUNTY, UTAH: (Dispatch = Price)
San Juan County Sheriff (Unit numbers under 35 beginning with 1Z, 2Z, and 3Z, ie 1Z12 or 3Z30 )
San Juan County EMS (High 1Z numbers, mainly in the 500's, ie 1Z502)
Monticello Ambulance, Fire, & Rescue
Blanding Ambulance, Fire, & Rescue
Bluff Ambulance, Fire, & Rescue
Montezuma Creek Ambulance, Fire, & Rescue
La Sal Fire & Rescue

There is a wide variety of other agencies that come and go on the CO DTRS system, but the prioritization through Pro96Com allows those non-local groups to only be active when there is no local traffic. 

Current antenna configuration is as follows: The 800MHz digital system is currently using a 12 element 850MHz tuned Yagi antenna, with an Antronix ARA4-8 drop-amp/splitter, and the other scanner is using a Antennacraft Scantenna.

On occasion, especially during major local events (fires, accidents, severe weather), the scanners will get locked on a single channel for better monitoring of the ongoing event.

Please feel free to message me with comments or questions about this feed.
