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Collin County Sheriff, Plano, Allen, Wylie, Murphy, Colony, Frisco, and Prosper Police

US > Texas > Collin (County) [Dallas-Fort Worth]

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 Collin County Sheriff, Plano, Allen, Wylie, Murphy, Colony, Frisco, and Prosper Police

Police Agency City(s): PAWMCo (Plano, Allen, Wylie, Murphy, Colony, Collin County Sheriff), Frisco, and Prosper PD dispatch channels.
Public Safety
21   Online


Feed Notes


SDS200  with D130J Discone Antenna

Police Agencies:
City(s): PAWMCo(Plano, Allen, Wylie, Murphy, Colony, Collin County), Frisco, Prosper
Plano PD Dispatch 1 East :3
Plano PD Dispatch 2 West :5
Allen PD Dispatch 1 :502
Allen PD Dispatch 2 :512
The Colony PD Dispatch :1125
Murphy PD Dispatch :900
Wylie PD Dispatch :800
CCSO Dispatch 1 :1168
CCSO Dispatch 2 :1171
Frisco PD Dispatch :1
Prosper PD Dispatch :420
Note:  McKinney PD is 100% encrypted, it is not included.