This feed broadcasts the dispatch channels for all fire and EMS agencies in Mesa, Delta, Montrose, and Garfield counties. USFS and BLM interagency dispatch and Careflight of the Rockies are also broadcast on this feed.
Public Safety
Feed Notes
DTRS tower sites being scanned include: Abajo Peak, Black Ridge, Douglas Pass, Grand Mesa, and Mesa Point
Mesa County Fire Primary (TGID 8441)
Grand Junction Fire Department
Clifton Fire Protection District (Simulcast on TGID 11751)
Palisade Fire Rescue
Lower Valley Fire Protection District (Simulcast on TGID 11758)
Mesa County Fire Authority (Simulcast on TGID 11750)
Plateau Valley Fire Protection District (Simulcast on TGID 11760)
Debque Fire Department
Incident TAC 1 (TGID 8436) **This TG is used for fire and EMS incidents only.Law enforcement tactical channels are encrypted.**
When active, TAC 2 and/or TAC 3 will also be included in the feed.
Garfield County Fire Dispatch (TGID 8975)
West Care EMS (TGID 8995)
Montrose Fire Protection District (TGID 8080)
Olathe Fire Department (TGID 8747)
Delta County Fire
Delta EMS
Careflight of the Rockies (UHF Paging and 800)
Grand Junction Interagency Fire Dispatch Center
Bureau of Land Management - Lands End Repeater (170.4625)
Grand Mesa and Uncompagreh National Forest - USFS GMUG WX (172.3250)
San Juan National Forest - Fire Tac 7 (169.2875)
Grand Junction Air Center
Air-to-Ground 49 (168.375)
KGJT Tower (118.1)**Scanned only when the Grand Junction Air Center is open and actively dispatching aviation resources from the KGJT airport.