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Washington, Noble, Morgan County Public Safety

US > Ohio > Multiple Counties

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Washington, Noble, Morgan County Public Safety

Serving Washington, Noble & Morgan County Sheriff/Fire/EMS/Public Works
Public Safety
4     Online


Feed Notes

A person using the audio in this feed to further the commission of a crime can be prosecuted pursuant to Ohio Revised Code §2923.24 and/or 18 United States Code §2339A.

Welcome to the Ohio MARCS-IP: Multi-Agency Radio Communication System audio feed for the Washington/Noble/Morgan County, Ohio general area. This feed specifically follows traffic thru Beebe (Beverly, Washington), Noble C.I. (Caldwell, Noble) and Wolf Creek (Ringgold, Morgan) sites. Washington Co has nine sites, Noble Co has one site, and Morgan Co has two sites total.

Talkgroups include but not limited to: Noble County Sheriff's Office, Morgan County Sheriff's Office, Noble County Fire & EMS, Guernsey County Fire & EMS, Washington County Fire & EMS, Morgan County Fire/EMS, Monroe County Fire/EMS, Washington County Jail Transport, Ohio Department of Transportation Noble, Morgan, & Washington Operations, Noble County Engineer's Office, Washington County Engineer's Office, Morgan County Engineer's Office, Ohio State Highway Patrol Post 84 & 30, Ohio DNR Division of Wildlife, Ohio Adult Parole Authority - Washington Unit 1, Noble County Emergency Management Agency, Washington County Emergency Management Agency, Morgan County Emergency Management Agency, Washington Electric Cooperative, Guernsey-Muskingum Electric Cooperative, South Central Power Company.

Encrypted/Unavailable talkgroups: Washington County Sheriff's Office, Monroe County Sheriff's Office, Marietta Police Department, Cambridge Police Department, Ohio Organized Crime Investigations Commission SEOTF, Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation, Ohio DNR Division of Wildlife

 State of Ohio MARCS Sustainability Study • Televate

Sheriff radio signals (Ohio/BSSA)

• 1 - Contact Sheriff or Chief
• 3 - Contact Chief Deputy or Supervisor
• 5 - Contact HQ/Comm Center
• 7 - Registration check
• 7A - Stolen file check
• 9 - Investigate complaint
• 11 - Arrest record check
• 11A - Wants/Warrants check
• 13 - Special detail
• 15 - Civil process
• 15F - Felony warrant
• 15M - Misdemeanor warrant
• 17 - Meet in person
• 19 - Contact by phone
• 19A - Contact mobile phone
• 21 - Prisoner
• 23 - Off air to eat
• 25 - Return to HQ
• 27 - Emergency run
• 29 - Emergency squad needed
• 29A - Air ambulance needed
• 29B - Fire department needed
• 31 - Tow truck
• 33 - In service
• 35 - On patrol
• 37 - Out of service
• 39 - Location
• 41 - One unit in radio contact
• 43 - Home/At home
• 45 - Contact news media
• 47 - Get report
• 49 - Radio repair
• 51 - Unable to answer
• 53 - Mental
• 55 - Civil Defense/EMA alert
• 57 - Escort or parade detail
• 57A - VIP detail/money escort
• 59 - LEADS out of service
• 61 - Pick up other unit
• 63 - Investigation or follow up
• 65 - Detective needed at scene
• 65A - Evidence technician
• 65B - Hostage negotiator
• 65C - Tactical team
• 65D - K9 unit
• 65E - Coroner
• 65F - Prosecutor
• 67 - Urgent, no emergency
 69 - Narcotics complaint
• 71 - Change channel
• 85 - Fuel stop
• 91 - 911 hang-up

Sheriff radio codes (Ohio/BSSA)

• 2 - Property damage accident
• 2A - Property damage hit-skip
• 4 - Injury accident
• 4A - Injury hit-skip
• 6 - Aircraft crash
• 8 - Assault
• 10 - Assist other unit
• 12 - Burglary
• 12A - Burglary in progress
• 14 - Bad check/forgery
• 16 - DOA
• 18 - Dog bite
• 18A - Animal complaint
• 20 - Domestic complaint
• 20A - Neighbor complaint
• 22 - Drowning
• 24 - Drunk
• 26 - Fight
• 28 - Fire
• 28A - Vehicle fire
• 28B - Structure fire
• 28C - Person possibly inside
• 28D - Explosion
• 30 - Gambling
• 32 - Homicide
• 34 - Juvenile complaint
• 36 - Theft
• 36A - Theft in progress
• 38 - Missing person
• 38A - Missing person returned
• 40 - Person with gun
• 40A - Person with knife
• 42 - Nature unknown
• 46 - Prowlers
• 48 - Rape
• 48A - Sex offense
• 48B - Exposing
• 50 - Robbery
• 50A - Robbery in progress
• 52 - Shooting
• 52A - Shots fired
• 52B - Hunters/target shooters
• 54 - Stabbing or cutting
• 56 - Stolen vehicle
• 56A - Recovered stolen vehicle
• 56B - Wanted vehicle
• 58 - Suicide
• 58A - Suicide attempt
• 60 - Suspicious person
• 60A - Suspicious vehicle
• 62 - Traffic detail
• 64 - Vandalism
• 66 - Escape or jailbreak
• 68 - Livestock on roadway
• 70 - Emergency notification
• 72 - Threats or harassment
• 74 - Hazmat incident
• 76 - Mental
• 78 - Alarm drop
• 80 - Traffic jam/road blocked
• 82 - Disabled vehicle
• 82A - Abandoned vehicle
• 84 - Open door
• 86 - Traffic offense
• 86A - Motorcycle/ATV complaint
• 88 - Bomb threat
• 90 - Train derailment


Ohio State Highway Patrol radio signals

• 1 - Out of service
• 2 - In service
• 3 - Out of service, subject to call
• 4 - Out of service, equipment failure
• 5 - Rush
• 6 - Reference previous traffic
• 7 - At your convenience
• 8 - Unable to copy, change location
• 9 - Unable to answer at this time
• 10 - Call ___ by phone
• 11 - Call GHQ by phone
• 12 - Call DHQ by phone
• 13 - Call your post by phone
• 14 - Call radio by phone
• 15 - Call home by phone
• 16 - Technical problems with computer
• 16A - Technical problems with functional portion of LEADS
• 17 - Crash report number
• 18 - Have traffic - relay
• 19 - Relay by phone
• 20 - Contact ___ in person
• 21 - Contact GHQ in person
• 22 - Contact DHQ in person
• 23 - Contact your post in person
• 24 - Contact radio in person
• 25 - Contact home in person
• 26 - Dispatcher alone on post
• 27 - Improper procedure
• 28 - Post secure
• 29 - Relay in person
• 30 - Fatal traffic crash
• 31 - Non-injury traffic crash
• 31A - Injury traffic crash
• 32 - Traffic jam/road blocked
• 33 - Drowning
• 34 - Motor vehicle fire
• 35 - (Not listed)
• 36 - Other fire
• 37 - Disabled vehicle
• 38 - Eating
• 39 - Location
• 40 - Emergency / Pursuits
• 41 - Immediately
• 42 - Be on station
• 43 - All units phone your post
• 44 - All units report to post
• 45 - Resume regular patrol
• 46 - FCC inspector on post
• 47 - Canine needed at my location
• 48 - Stand-in examinee
• 49 - Prior fleeing/eluding conviction
• 50 - Prior resisting conviction
• 51 - Plane crash
• 52 - All hazardous incidents
• 53 - Hazardous load
• 54 - Wrecked truck - hauling explosives
• 55 - Explosion
• 56 - Train crash
• 57 - Bomb scare
• 58 - Suspect can hear radio
• 59 - Permits
• 60 - Convoy/reference convoy
• 61 - Subject has weapon
• 62 - Concealed Carry Permit Holder
• 63 - Sex Offender
• 64 - Suicidal Subject
• 65 - Domestic violence incident/alert entry
• 66 - Violent offender alert(s)
• 67 - (Not listed)
• 68 - (Not listed)
• 69 - (Not listed)
• 70 - (Not listed)
• 71 - (Not listed)
• 72 - (Not listed)
• 73 - Prisoner
• 74 - Incarceration
• 75 - Wanted person/property (felony)
• 76 - Wanted person/property (misdemeanor)
• 77 - Wants/warrants check
• 78 - Criminal history not wanted
• 79 - Mentally disturbed person
• 80 - (Not listed)
• 81 - (Not listed)
• 82 - (Not listed)
• 83 - (Not listed)
• 84 - (Not listed)
• 85 - (Not listed)
• 86 - Drug courier alert
• 87 - Backup officer needed
• 88 - Officer in trouble
• 90 - Emergency Banner struck on Radio
• 99 - Caution Ohio Police (COP) message                                                                    • 99T - Terrorist organization memo
• 100 - Wrong way driver
• CVC - Commercial Vehicle Contact
• MVI - Motor Vehicle Inspection
• 7 / HP-7 - Traffic citation
• OH-1 - Traffic Crash Report
• .19 / Point 19 - 4511.19 ORC, Ohio DUI Law
• 24X - Vehicle Search


Ohio DRC (NCI) Corrections radio signals

1 - In Service
• 2 - Out of Service
• 3 - Emergency
• 5 - Escapee
• 6 - Hostage Situation
• 7 - Riot
• 8 - Fire
• 9 - Suspicious Circumstances
• 10 - Disabled Vehical
• 11 - Fog Plan in Effect
• 12 - Fog Plan Lifted
• 13 - Call
• 14 - Request Assistance
• 15 - Report To
• 16 - Assignment Complete
• 17 - Disregard
• 18 - Stand By
• 19 - Investigate
• 20 - Location
• 21 - Count OK
• 22 - Count in Progress


Helpful links:

USMS Southern Ohio News (SOFAST)USAO-SDOH (Federal Southern District of Ohio)

USMS Southern WV News (CUFFED)USAO-NDWV (Federal Northern District of WV)

USMS Northern WV News (EPHDVCTF/MSFTF) - USAO-SDWV (Federal Southern District of WV)PACER

West Virginia Circuit Court - West Virginia Magistrate Court

Marietta Municipal Court - Washington County Court of Common Pleas - Washington Co Jail Roster - WCSO FB/News

Noble County Smart911Noble County Court - Noble County Court of Common Pleas - Noble Co Jail Roster - NCSO FB

Morgan County Alerts - Morgan County Court of Common Pleas - SE Ohio Regional Jail Roster - MCSO FB

Monroe Co FB GroupMonroe County Court & Court of Common Pleas - Monroe Co Jail Roster - MCSO FB

Guernsey County Smart911 - Athens County Alerts - Muskingum County Alerts - Belmont County Alerts - Perry County Alerts - Meigs County Alerts

AVC News, Marietta Times, The Daily Jeff, WTAP, WOUB

Live Air Traffic Tracking (Medflights, Commercial, Military, Etc.): ADS-B Exchange, flightradar24

Live Traffic Cams: OHGO | Greene St Marietta | 5th & Washington MariettaI-77 Exit 6 Lower SalemI-77 Exit 16 Macksburg | I-77 Exit 25 Caldwell | I-77 Exit 28 Belle Valley

WV511WV/OH I-77 | OH-7/US-50 | WV-68/US-50I-77/US-50New Martinsville WV-2/Hannibal OH-7