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UC Davis Unitrans Bus Service

US > California > Yolo (County) [Sacramento]

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UC Davis Unitrans Bus Service

Publicly-accessible road operations channels used by student bus drivers and employees to coordinate sophisticated bus services for the University of California, Davis and the local community.
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Feed Notes

This feed is of the road/operations channel of publicly-owned University of California, Unitrans Bus Service in Davis, California.  It operates on the shared Sacramento Regional Radio Communications System (SRRCS) P25 and is not encrypted nor is it private or sensitive info. Public riders of the buses can easily overhear these transmissions from the front of the bus while they're onboard.

  • 1395 573 D UCD UNI SVC Unitrans Service Transportation

Ownership and Operation:

Unitrans is the public bus system serving the University of California, Davis (UC Davis) campus and the city of Davis. It provides transportation services to students, faculty, staff, and the general public. Unitrans is unique in that it operates a fleet that includes both modern buses and vintage double-decker buses, many of which are London-style.

Link to operations:

Link to radioreference: