Pictou County Fire VHF Paging & Ops |
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Pictou County Fire VHF Paging & Ops Status: All agencies not already Encrypted on the TMR system will be at 12:01am tonight, Nov 22nd - including all FD, EMO, GSAR, DNR etc as a result of the Mass Casualty Report Recommendations. The only thing on this feed once that happens will be VHF FD Paging |
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The content of this audio broadcast is in no way associated with any of the agencies being streamed. By listening to the information heard on this online scanner, you are confirming your agreement to use it for your own entertainment purposes only & this feed provider assumes no liability
This feed is only monitoring Pictou County Volunteer Fire Departments Paging and Ops on VHF
All TMR Communications on 700mhz are Fully Encrypted as of Nov 22nd 2024