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Cass County Sheriff, Police, Fire, and Skywarn

US > Michigan > Cass (County)

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Cass County Sheriff, Police, Fire, and Skywarn

Streaming from Indian Lake,Cass County, Michigan, April to November.

Status: Offline due to power outage. Will restore as soon as possible.
Public Safety
0   Not Active


Feed Notes

155.610 Dowagiac Police Dispatch
154.040 Dowagiac Fireground
153.890 Dowagiac Fire Dispatch
155.595 Cass County Sheriff Dispatch 1
155.655 Cass County Sheriff
151.265 Cass County Fire Dispatch
151.055 Cass County Road Commission Dispatch
453.150 Dowagiac Public Works
155.340 Lee Memorial Hospital Maintenance Dispatch
147.180 Skywarn Monitor Ham Repeater, Elkhart, IN

Associated equipment:

Scanner: Radio Shack Pro-2096 Digital

Computer: Asus EeePC 901 running Windows 7

Antenna: Centerfire Deluxe Discone Base. Height: 25 feet

Antenna components: 4 ground radials, 6 disc radials, 1 tuneable vertical whip

Antenna is omnidirectional. You may occasionally hear distant signals on the same frequencies. If you hear nosier signals, those are more distant, and not in the immediate Dowagiac/Cass County area.

?Always on the lookout for new frequencies. PM me if you have suggestions, within the limitations of the Pro-2096 scanner.