St. Charles County Storm Spotters |
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St. Charles County Storm Spotters Area weather spotters network. When no storms present, you may hear routine daily traffic by amateur radio operators. Status: Sorry, there is a power or Internet outage, check back later. |
Amateur Radio
0 | Not Active |
You can also listen to my other Feeds for more information. St. Charles County Fire and EMS or St. Charles Countywide EMS,Fire and Law
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This feed will stream Trained Storm Spotters field reports, feeding information into both EMA and Net Control as well as being in direct communications with the NWS. Listen for updates made to WX0STL
145.33000 St. Charles County Storm Spotters Net (WB0HSI)
The 145.330 repeater is used by National Weather Service as a
St. Louis Metropolitan Area-Wide collector. Net control operators and individuals are free to have direct contact with the NWS to give severe weather reports
146.670 Operated by the St. Charles Amateur Radio Club (
145.49000 St. Charles County ARES / RACES (N0EZH) (W0ECA)